Switching Your Energy Supplier

Energy for Households
We have reviewed the current main energy suppliers as of April 2018. Here is our view of which are the best energy (electricity and gas) suppliers for green and clean energy. Click here.
It shows: the fuel mix of the electricity supplied; if they provide 10% green gas; their customer services score (from 'Which? Guide'); typical cost from our test quotations; and other salient facts.
Amazingly, clean energy, good & simple service and lower cost can really be achieved.
Although we recommend a range of green energy suppliers, you can use this referal link to Bulb Energy and then Dorking Solar Group will receive a £50 contribution to fund local solar projects and the person switching will receive £50 off their first energy bill. DSG will automatically be notified upon switching. The person switching will not necessarily receive a notification that DSG has been awarded the funding contribution.
Energy for Small and Medium Size Businesses
Small and medium size businesses can also benefit from switching their energy supplier. Feel free to contact DSG for help or support on how to switch.
The business energy offering is very similar to the residential domestic energy offering, though the sign-up process is slightly different. Complete the quotation request form at https://bulb.co.uk/business/ Bulb will then prepare a specific quotation. Indicative business tariff prices are shown on this webpage. If the quote for 100% renewable electricity and 10% green gas from anaerobic digestion for business is satisfactory and of interest, Bulb Energy will then manage the whole switching process for the business concerned. Typically taking less than 30 days to switch and save.
In circumstances where a business only requires an electrcity supply (no gas supply), the new challenger energy suppliers are often not interested, we then suggest using Scottish Power as the electricity supplier.